Thursday, February 26, 2009


1 To get on (to enter, board)
2 To get off (To leave descend from)
3 To put on (To place on oneself said particularly)
4 To take off (to remove said also of clothes)
5 To call up (to telephone)
6 To turn on (to start ,begin)
7 right away =At once(immediately, at once, very soon)
8 To pick up (to take-especially with the fingers)
9 To get up (to arise,to change from a lying position)
10 At first (originally , in the first instance)
11 as usual (as always, customarily)
12 to find out (to get information, discover, learn.)
13 TO look at ( to direct the eyes toward, watch)
14 To look for (to search for seek)
15 TO right right there, right now )
16 little by little (gradually, by degrees, slowly)
17 tired out (extremely tired)
18 To call on (To visit)
19 ever mind (do not mind, do not pay any attention to it)
20 To pick out (to choose , select)
21 To take one’s time (to work or go leisurely , not to hurry)
22 TO talk ever( to discuss, consider)
23 to lie down (to recline , take a lying position)
24 All day long (full day)
25 On purpose (purposely , intentionally)
26 to get along (to complete work)
27 To make no difference (no at all)
28 To take out (to remove, extract)
29 To take part (to join )
30 TO look up ( to search for )
31 To read over (to read again)
32 To let alone (stay away, to permit to be alone)
33 To wait up for (to wait until very late)
34 TO let up (to get better)
35 TO bring back=To take back (to return)
36 TO hold over (ពន្យាពេល)
37 TO have it out with (To quarrel with,)
38 To have it in for (to dislike)
39 to give in (to surrender)
40 to be stuck = to get stuck(to be in cheated)

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